My first animal communication that I Know of, took place in 2003. I was sitting on the sofa in my living room reading, and felt an overwhelming wave of love. I looked up and sitting on the chair across from me was my daughters dog, Holly, who I loved very much. Holly was looking right at me. I was certain this wave of love was coming from her. I told her in words, out loud, that I love her too. I knew of no other way to respond.

I wanted more of this, but did not know how to make it happen. I found and read books about animal communication, but was unable to initiate it on my own. I tried many times, then I gave up.

In May of 2023, my little dog Jordy, my heart dog, was reaching the end of his life. He had stopped eating and I was doing everything I could to try to get him to eat. The medication from the vet was no longer working, and every chance I got , I was offering him food. He was refusing it. So I was using an eyedropper to force feed him baby food. Something was better than nothing. On a Wednesday night, in the middle of the night, we were up again, and I was trying to get him to eat, and forcing it with the eyedropper and baby food. When I was done, I picked Jordy up and went back to bed. I got him situated next to me, and made myself comfortable, when I heard in my head, “Please stop.” I knew it was him, my Jordy, asking me to stop. I said out loud, “ok.” I was dying inside. I was losing him. My little everything. I would do anything for him. Even stop. So I did. I stopped. The following Monday, I had him euthanized.

Now began the grieving process. I cried constantly. I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t think of much else. I missed him so.

In August, I thought of animal communication. I had tried years ago to do it myself, unsuccessfully. But now, I wanted somebody to give me a Reading from Jordy. I desperately needed to know that he was ok and not really gone forever. I needed to know there really is an afterlife and that he had made it. That he was there.

I started to Google, looking for someone. I needed help. I found one of Danielle Mackinnon’s Soul Level Animal Communicator’s and booked a reading. It was wonderful! I got the validation I desperately needed that Jordy was ok, and even discovered my soul lesson that he was teaching me, and still is teaching me. That lesson is that I am “good enough.” I also discovered that I wanted to be able to do this for other people. I signed up for Danielle’s Soul Level Communication courses. At first, I felt so stupid. Everybody did better than me. I wasn’t getting much and felt like I was incapable of doing this. It turned out, I just had to loosen up, go with the flow, and trust. With time and lots of practice, it started to happen. One fellow student/practice partner told me I had found my secret sauce! Then I remembered my lesson from Jordy, That I am “good enough.” I keep relearning this lesson!

I began this journey needing to know that Jordy was ok. Now I do. I have been talking with other animals as well, and it is extremely validating! I really am “good enough!”

Jordy brought me to animal communication. I want to help other people too! I want them to know that their beloved pet is ok and still with them. Somebody helped me, and now it’s my turn. I’m going to make Jordy proud!


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